
Saturday, 3 August 2013

Everything’s coming together...

I’m sorry it’s been a little while since my last post.  Things have been a bit hectic but finally, things are coming together; and there is much to be happy about in the Cooper household.

Firstly, in the typical British way, the weather.  The beautiful, hot, sunny sunny sunny weather we’ve been having.  I was lucky enough to make the long trip to Singapore and Bali a couple of months ago and was so grateful to finally remember what it felt like to have sunshine on my face after the grey, cold weather dragged on and on.  But what a summer we’re having now!  Lots of early morning beach walks with Sas and his Beagle friends, Hugo and Dexter.
This is them on their best behaviour; it doesn't happen very often!

To be honest though, I have hardly had a chance to enjoy the lovely sunshine.  I’ve been locked away indoors, tapping away on my laptop to get my university work finished.   I have been studying for a new degree at the very beautiful local university and for the past couple of months especially it has just consumed my entire life.  Don’t get me wrong, I love to learn.  I love the first scratchy ink marks in a clean, fresh notebook.  I love new stationary, long afternoons amongst the library stacks and sitting in a classroom with people as keen to learn as me.  Coop thinks its really funny to see how excited I get poring over a textbook, frantically taking notes, my head popping up occasionally with a new bit of knowledge to share.  I know he only humors me with a nod or “mmm, that is interesting” but I’ve always been a book worm so he’s used to it by now.  

Finally, the last assignment is over.  It’s been a real slog I won’t lie; the last time I went to university I was a full time student, young and ambitious, whereas now I have a career, a husband, a house, a pup and a life to keep ticking over.  I’ve loved the course, I’ve learnt loads, but I think me and education are done for a while.  I’ve told all of my friends to kick me if I even mention the possibility of another course to them anytime soon.  And the biggest reason that I grew weary of studying?  It ate into my crochet time!  It’s been  torturous to go up to my little craft room and see my multicoloured yarns and hooks waiting for me, but having to tear myself away to sit at the dining room table, staring at a white screen.  Really, it’s made me realise what a huge part of my life crochet has become.

So I celebrated in the best way I knew how.  I treated myself to some crafty treasures!  

Is it a crochet hook, is it a knitting needle?  Perhaps a bit of both

I’ve been itching to try tunisian crochet for a while.  I like how it looks like a combination of crochet and knitting, both in the tools used and the cloth made.  I’m not exactly sure what I am going to use the technique for, but for now I am content spending my first free weekend making a few swatches to test it out.  I’ve found a couple of blogs with some tips for tunisian, and I’ve signed up to a Craftsy class by Jennifer Hanson.  Have you heard of Craftsy classes?  Craftsy offer a whole selection of online classes in needlework, photography, cake decorating and all kinds of other things.  I’ve taken the Fresh Stitches Design Your Own Monster course before, and it was fantastic, so I have high hopes for the new tunisian crochet class.

Broomstick crochet (or broomstick lace) looks so pretty, I just had to get a ‘broomstick’ and give it a go.  I bought mine from PurpleLinda Crafts, but anything cylindrical would suffice.  Although I haven’t quite figured out how to hold everything all at the same time, it’s definitely on my ‘to do’ list this weekend.  

My new and improved cotton collection

Finally, I bought a whole heap of cotton to crochet with.  It’s been a while since I replenished my supplies, so I went to town and bought myself a selection as I have my eye on a cute little toy for a friend who’s baby is due next month.  If course, you’ll be the first to see it once it’s finished!  

So, I feel like I've got a lot to be happy about.  Summers finally here, and I'm free to enjoy it!  And best of all, I can get back to what I love best, my crochet.  Until then... x

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