
Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Pom-pom-tastic tutorial!

Pom-poms appear to be making a comeback and I'm right up there in the middle of it.  My Pinterest is full of crafty things to do with pom-poms, but the thing that I instantly knew I had to make was pom-pom flowers.  To give some context, I have a very lovely newish craft room, my christmas present from Coop last year.  The furniture is fantastic, I love my huge glossy red desk, but the room is very white and needs some brightening up.  What better way than different coloured pom-poms in brightly coloured vases?!?!

Here's how I made the flowers:

Step 1: I bought me some Clover pom-pom makers.  Now you can make them just as well using a cardboard ring but I'm a gadget kind of girl, and once I saw these online, I really wanted to get some pom-pom makers so that they are consistently sized, plus I couldn't work out from the photo how they worked and was genuinely quite curious!  There are several sizes available if you are interested and they are widely available online.The pom-pom makers come in two halves, and you simply start by wrapping the yarn around the semi-circle until you can't fit anymore yarn on.  Then you do the other half.

Step 2: Then you cut through the middle of the yarn along the gully, making sure you keep the arms shut so the cut yarn can't escape.  Tie it really tightly with some fine cotton along the gully (I made the rookie mistake of not tying them quite tightly enough and the pom-pom fell apart as soon as I picked it up!)

Then it will look something like this as you take the two halves apart:
But you just need to give it a little scruffle and it will puff right up.

Step 3: with lots of glue, attach the pom-pom to the end of a short garden cane.  This pack of 50 12inch  canes cost around 50p from my local garden centre.  The cane should easily poke through into the centre of the pom-pom.

I can't tell you how pleased I am with the results; these turned out so much better than I anticipated.  I bought these three cute vases from a local home shop as they fit in perfectly with the colourful theme of my room.  And with the multicoloured pom-poms... even better!  I'm so pleased, that I thought it was necessary to take lots of pictures from lots of angles just so you can truly appreciate their awesomeness :)

These three little vases of multi-coloured pom-pom flowers are perfect to sit on top of my white glossy Ikea cupboard where I keep all my crafty supplies.  And I can see them from the doorway too for a little splash of colour on the way to the bathroom.  *sigh* I love it when a little inspiration turns into something so cheery.  Is there anything you've made which gives you a smile whenever you see it? x


  1. These are lovely and cheerful! What a great idea, thank you for sharing!

  2. Ahh thank you, they were really easy to make but look pretty in their vases and make me smile whenever I walk past them :)
