Wow! So it's 2014 already. Where has the year gone? The older I get, the faster and faster time seems to pass. 2013 was a good'un, there's no doubt about that. Mostly, because I started Curly Girl Coop, and found a place to jabber on about crafting with like-minded people. I enjoy writing this blog so much and can't tell you how happy it makes me when you comment on things :)
There's been a lot of crafting...
Which has made me very happy. And there were a few stand-out pieces for me...
- Sheldon the Sheep
Sheldon was a game changer. He was my first attempt at designing something rather than following a pattern and I was so chuffed with how he turned out. Sheldon has brought a lot of traffic to my blog, has led to me getting involved with a couple of fantastic British yarn companies which is so exciting but most of all he gave me the confidence to try my hand at designing. Not bad for a little fluffy sheep.
2. Yarndale
3. One Sheepish Girl Bloomdrop
I loved this yarn bombing. It was the first yarn bombing that I have taken part in and I was a bit nervous about how it might go, but the flower drop was well received (with a little family drama thrown in for good measure but hey, when isn't there?!) and I was proud to honour my grandma in a way that was personal to our relationship. This year, I hope to be brave enough to do some more yarn bombing without worrying what anyone else might think.
So how about 2014? Well, top of the list is to keep this up! I really do love writing my blog and am determined to always make time and space to do so. I also really want to carry on designing things as inspiration comes to me, but don't want to force ideas and take away the fun of it, so I'll just have to see how it goes. I really want to get into using my sewing machine too. I got a sewing machine last year but have hardly used it (I broke it once and then have been a bit scared to try it again) but I got a real urge to sew over the Christmas break and so am hoping to take this forward in 2014. On the sewing front, I'm also tempted by some beautiful embroidery that's been cropping up on Instagram recently. Perhaps this will have to feature in my 2014 plans too?!
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